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Scratch Programming

Anyone can make a Scratch animation...guess who made this one?

That's right...even I can make a Scratch program. Scratch is something you may already be familiar with or it may be a new thing that you have never explored. According to their web-page, "The ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’s society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas." Scratch is coding made simple; it's visual and fun. We are going to incorporate it into our curriculum this year.

Let's Get Started!

Lesson 1:

To begin our Scratch lessons, we are going to go through this tutorial first: Animate a Name. We will view this as a class together and then you and a partner will become code detectives and figure out how to animate your name.

Lesson 2:

Click on the Imagine a World link and then you will go through this tutorial to create a scene...a virtual world to live in. When your imaginary world is complete you will write a short story about this alternate universe.

Lesson 3:

Starter Projects is a page that is full of simple projects that Scratch beginners have made. You will choose 3 to look at and look 'inside' each of them. You need to make a 3,2,1 for each program. 3 things you learned, 2 things that you didn't expect and 1 takeaway that you will try to implement in your own Scratch program.