
Activity #1 - Online Safety

Please go through the FBI 6th grade modules over the first week of class. You need to take notes as you go; be prepared to create a poster about Internet safety. This is the one of the most important lessons we will discuss this year. You have to be aware of yours and your friends' safety! After the modules are complete we will split into groups of four. You will be assigned one area of Internet safety to add to a group poster that will be displayed in the library. You will receive a rubric which states requirements for this project.

FBI 6th grade online - Stay Safe Surfing

Activity #2 - ASCII and Binary Representation

Make a copy of this Google Slide and save to your Google Drive and then complete.

Get Slide

Activity #3 - Ciphers

You are going to learn about ciphers. Read the introduction and the history of this cipher on this page. Please complete the activities on this page where you will encrypt and decrypt some short messages. Next you will make your own Caesar shift code from card stock using this template. Take a quote that exemplifies a Growth Mindset and encrypt it. You will then trade your encryption with another student and decrypt one another's work.

Go to Cipher Activity Page

Other activities to try:

These help you practice your coding skills...they all build your computational thinking